Looking for an opportunity to honor your family or friends, remember a loved one, or commemorate a special event? Donate to our Library’s collection as a way of providing an enduring tribute to those that are closest to you that will last for many years to come.
The Library is deeply grateful for any monetary contributions by its patrons, but gifts can come in many forms. Items obtained through the support of donations are marked with a special book plate.
A booklet listing gifts and donations is published annually. If you would like to honor or remember someone or an event in this way, please inquire at the Circulation Desk of the Kinston-Lenoir County Public LIbrary, at any branch library, or call 252-527-7066, Ext. 135.
Click to download Gift and Donation form
Click to download information on donation materials to the Library
If you would like to make a foundation contribution to the Library, please call 252-527-7066, Ext. 130 for more information.