As part of our new strategic plan, the Neuse Regional Library System is working diligently to implement access without restrictions to our diverse collections, resources and services for all community members in a safe and welcoming environment. In an effort to realize this objective, the Library is pleased to announce that it has partnered with the Kinston Housing Authority (KHA) to develop the STEM 4 ALL, Fostering Learning & Engaging Community program in order to increase the literacy and learning engagement of students.
STEM 4 ALL will take learning resources and programming directly to students in our community to ensure that they have maximum access to tools that will help ensure future happiness and success. Through the program, the Library will offer onsite programming two to four times per week at public housing apartments in Kinston, beginning at Jack Rountree Apartments. The Library is able to rollout this program at this location thanks to the incredible support and collaboration of Dawn Whitfield, Jack Rountree Property Manager and Rhonda Abbott, Executive Director of the KHA. During each session, the Library will participate in STEM activities with students, offer homework help utilizing teen volunteers from Lenoir County Public Schools, and give students outlets for creatively expressing themselves through interactive activities.
In addition, organizations like the Boy Scouts of America and the Partnership for Children of Lenoir and Greene Counties will be providing character development programming and other further enrichment opportunities to create meaningful connections in our community that produce measurable results. “The hope is for this program to add the “Fun” into learning the fundamentals of a STEM program while propelling our youth of Public Housing into a brighter future!” exclaimed Kenyari Fields, Multicultural Outreach Director for the Boy Scouts of America East Carolina Council.
An incentive-based program will also use mentoring and rewards to encourage students to increase the frequency of their reading in a group setting, at home with family members, and independently. The Library hopes to assist students with developing intrinsic reading motivation at this critical age through engagement activities with their families and with teen peers.
As you can imagine, the Library and KHA are very excited to have this opportunity to collaborate and build a brighter tomorrow through this literacy initiative, which was made possible by funding from the Library Services and Technology Act and State Library of North Carolina. “I hope that the program will form a bridge that will provide an opportunity for educational growth and innovation, allowing children to be competitive and enjoy the STEM experience, while building structure, developmental skills and challenging their mindset,” stated Dawn Whitfield, Jack Rountree Property Manager.
The Neuse Regional Library and KHA will kick off the STEM 4 All program on Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Jack Rountree Apartments with an evening filled with good food, games and fun. Please join us in celebrating this new collaborative venture!
“This grant is made possible by funding from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) as administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (IMLS grant number LS-00-19-0034-19).”